Sunday, October 10, 2021

Make a joyful noise!(?)


Make a joyful noise!(?) 


Getting past the literal wording of the passage and just considering those first four words, 'Make a joyful noise': is that more an ambiguous license or a specifically desired expectation?

Considering the more abstract possibilities, I'm drawn to the thought of a joyful noise being in the range of a frequency and amplitude that is symbiotic, if not synergistic, with our sublime host, 'The Lord'. If so, and NOT a cacophonous diversity, then how I'd describe the present physic-of-reality as a multitudinous collective of tangent appendages spiking in different heights, angles, and locales off a spherical core-a subconscious virus-like depiction of mine-would be more as a virus. Those spikes' collateral effects on the surrounding environment are inherently invasive because of the demographic density of proximity on the topographical surface of the sphere.

I also believe that beyond the license of diverse propagation possible, there's a particular strain of 'spike' that is closer to the essence of the progenitor source and likely to be more fundamentally durable than the other spikes. Those other spikes have their own cast-of-existence that could last through multiple generations of reproductions, but still be only uniquely interesting anecdotal phenomena to the progenitor core. In the meantime, the strain of essence spike has the eternal features of that core that closely resonate with the exhorted for "joyful noise".

Bringing it from the abstract physic to its mundane analogy, there is an indefinite number of forms and content expression out there as 'spikes' of manifested creativeness. There could be a subset of forms that meet the symbiotic-to-synergistic qualities of resonant noises, while the others 'strut and fret their hour upon the stage to eventually be heard no more..'.

Thus, it may be that it's a function of functional structures than the more aesthetic value of moral biases, which could very well be a f(x) of their structure and its conditioning within the matrix of their chosen/designated cast, plus their inevitable and fated end-game. In that event, we exist in an empirical 'casino of chance probabilities'. Those probabilities are responses to our responses to the options of our choice of awareness. What becomes our cast of affinity has more to do with our utilitarian intentions that coincidentally could be in symbiotic to synergistic alignment within the range of frequencies and amplitudes of the 'joyful noise' of the host 'progenitor'.

If we happen to fall into that slot, much like the proverbial marble of a roulette wheel, then we'll be on a ride of grace that has nothing in-common with the other expressional spikes beyond the joint locale we share with the more temporally kinetic intentions of the other cohabitants of our time and space.


Monday, August 23, 2021

When consciousness incarnated itself


Vibrations of coronavirus proteins may play a role in infection | MIT News  | Massachusetts Institute of Technology


In the same manner that the Book of John begins with 'The Word'. For other ends Consciousness reached that point in its gestational logic: it needed the diversity of ITs replication for comprehending the depths of its abstractions. 

From its abstract 'unitariness', it gravitated itself to a tangible unitary mass starting from the singular to the multiplex. 'IT' never changed its essence but its fractal-like derivatives had their unique nature derived from aspects of that unitary origin. 
Aspects of the unitary origin are throughout all 'matters'. Those matters, which by chance synthesized themselves in cooperative networks with other matters begin to acquire the aspects of a de facto nature of the abstract 'Unit'.

Union-the state of the unitary, per this thesis-is the metaphor for a ersatz representation of the Unit. Symbiotic networking for the sake of the altruistic, selfless holism is a form of that ersatz representation.  Unlike those seeking an individuated, identity distinction, those of the ersatz selfless holisms operate in greater congruence in sync or in compliment to the Unit's imperative purpose of self-comprehension through the knowledge of their holistic self=awareness.

In seeking the utility more than the possession of 'matters' (things), 'unionists' are open to inclusive engagement more than exclusive possession/control. By so doing, their horizons are more limitless than limited quantification in their conceptual framework. Those more concerned within quantifiable identities and limits for their possession and and control, and by those aspirational identities diverge to the figurative and literal morbidity of their circumspection. Those concerned with the abstract qualities of the diversity of unique utility of phenomena, per se, in their environment, begin to represent the qualities of the 'unitariness' of the genesis of their 'Beginnings'.

Unlike those who use their minds for their consumptive indulgence to satiate their pleasure, those who seek to know, learn, and share with others about the many aspects of each other are building their metaphors of the logic synapses employed in the original incarnating genesis.


Mind convocations are the literal conjuring construction of the figurative synapses of our unitary abstract progenitor, because we associated our identity with ITs abstract function more than the atmospherics of ITs tangible trappings.  


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Time has come for the retraction

 All that could be said has been said,

It's time to retract to my native intuitive reactive instincts for that which comes my way-consequential to holistic events. The 'last testament' by me has been written. ONLY that which is incidentally pertinent to what I know of others will be my epistle outreach.