Monday, June 1, 2020

More Timeless connections-II: 'Convocation of the Spirits'

More Timeless connections-II: 'Convocation of the Spirits'

Despite the "historical tragedies' that brought us to this moment, it COULD BE MORE than the temporal pathos of mortals that is in-play with all this,, but is the 'Spirits' using the mortal mechanisms to facilitate their own convocation, so to have the spiritual intercourse ala our carnal physical and mental intercoursing to reunify what "cultures" have degenerated. In a Cosmic "spirit" algorithmic possession ala our proximity and technology of carnal contemporary instrumentalities.

Our resonance with things-tangible and intangible, plus animate beings is the consummation of "spiritual" aspirational seeds cultivated over time. This helps connect the
dots with the purpose of the dreams we have. The characters are the interlocuting interpretations of the different spirits manifesting themselves into our sensory dimension through we being a conduit portal for them.

The "Spirit" realm is working to defragment itself from what human cultures
have wrought in their babble of divisiveness  in the tangible representational surrogate of the sublimity of the abstract powers of the spirit-energy.
For the full pictorial and video project, contact this 'OP' at this site

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