Friday, March 8, 2019

Metaphysical Hip-Hop

Metaphysical Hip-Hop

It dawned on me that its” THE RHYTHMIC BEAT”of 
the music that makes the melody and the lyrics. That 
being so, for me-the non-fan, I saw that in dancing 
to the rhythm one is conjuring in themselves and their 
co-partners to a joint feeling that is greater and transcendent 
to them. They are paying homage to that feeling, which is
the spirit of religion, per se-the acknowledgement of a 
greater energy or power to one’s pedestrian, mundane, 
and secular psyche.

The dancing to the music is a subconscious 
at these secular venues.
It couldn’t be classified as ‘Pagan’
since it is not organized around a consciously acknowledged or 
recognized  pagan rite… If the hip-hop celebrants were conscious 
that they were conjuring a transcendent energy and power, then an 
inherent presumption would be concurrent in their visceral 
stimulation between themselves and their partners
 . That would be a mastubatory and coital 
sacrament for the express purpose of procreating and gestating an 
atmospheric manifestation that would be autonomously and 
algorithmically tangent to the degree of the energy of the gestures 
and their intensity..

In this way Hip-Hop music could metamorph from its larvae of  
an unorganized ecstatic renderings of the “congregation” of  its 
celebrants to the driving rhythms of the supplications inherent 
in the music.
Your donations of appreciation for this work will be gratittudinously accepted

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