In the same manner that the Book of John begins with 'The Word'. For other ends Consciousness reached that point in its gestational logic: it needed the diversity of ITs replication for comprehending the depths of its abstractions.
From its abstract 'unitariness', it gravitated itself to a tangible unitary mass starting from the singular to the multiplex. 'IT' never changed its essence but its fractal-like derivatives had their unique nature derived from aspects of that unitary origin.
Aspects of the unitary origin are throughout all 'matters'. Those matters, which by chance synthesized themselves in cooperative networks with other matters begin to acquire the aspects of a de facto nature of the abstract 'Unit'.
Union-the state of the unitary, per this thesis-is the metaphor for a ersatz representation of the Unit. Symbiotic networking for the sake of the altruistic, selfless holism is a form of that ersatz representation. Unlike those seeking an individuated, identity distinction, those of the ersatz selfless holisms operate in greater congruence in sync or in compliment to the Unit's imperative purpose of self-comprehension through the knowledge of their holistic self=awareness.
In seeking the utility more than the possession of 'matters' (things), 'unionists' are open to inclusive engagement more than exclusive possession/control. By so doing, their horizons are more limitless than limited quantification in their conceptual framework. Those more concerned within quantifiable identities and limits for their possession and and control, and by those aspirational identities diverge to the figurative and literal morbidity of their circumspection. Those concerned with the abstract qualities of the diversity of unique utility of phenomena, per se, in their environment, begin to represent the qualities of the 'unitariness' of the genesis of their 'Beginnings'.
Unlike those who use their minds for their consumptive indulgence to satiate their pleasure, those who seek to know, learn, and share with others about the many aspects of each other are building their metaphors of the logic synapses employed in the original incarnating genesis.
Mind convocations are the literal conjuring construction of the figurative synapses of our unitary abstract progenitor, because we associated our identity with ITs abstract function more than the atmospherics of ITs tangible trappings.