Take this narration as less about 'what I did', and more about the paranormal presence that's out there (OR IN HERE, OUR BODIES!) awaiting our acknowledgement of its presence. Onward to the 'tales of the mind's journey'!
It's called that because me, the 3-to-4 year old kid in an empty refrigerator box swore a curse against God for a piece of candy being shared in that box out in the driveway. Call me 'Peter'. Call me 'Judas'. For that piece of candy I knew I was consciously and willing to denounce GOD. I knew at that moment I had in some way sinned against my soul. But it wasn't as much sinning against the soul as it was the initial estrangement and disaffection from the cultural paradigms and their intimidating bonding myths.
Synchronicity Events
Jump forward 5 1/2 years later and I'm on a patrol corner in the middle of January on a cold, wind-swept corner in a 10 degree or less weather day in a typical, then, Syracuse winter. I'm in a morose, self-commiseration for what's not there and has been gone since the end of October-the best and loveliest teacher I'd had to that point and who'd left on maternity leave. Ohhhhh... How I missed her!
But then, I hear the chugging of a small engine coming my way in an easterly direction on East Genessee Street. It was a Yellow Volkswagen-Bug with my anointed, saintly teacher. My heart leapt to my throat in joy. I couldn't restrain myself from waving wildly at her. She waved back at me as she turned the corner in front of me to drive past me as she headed south on Westcott Street.
I gave my thanks to the moment, and made a vow to that moment to be in thanks, 'As gracious as that moment was to me, I'd be to others on the pain of retributions (that did come)'. At that same time my adherence to being gracious would put me within a protective veil of grace that would protect me from the malevolence of other situations.
It stayed with me, though too often as a latent background memory, than something that was foremost on my mind. Its status as that came from the enveloping secular institutional structures, as well as the accompanying social background's drama that held my attention and emotions for those more temporal and tangible agendas. Despite that, I held onto the attitude of graciousness to the stranger and those forsaken to the margins.
There were, likely, less dramatic and less profound moments which I didn't give the deserved attribution to the graces between that time in mid-January of 1960 and May of 1967-such as the mumps I contracted in either that Summer of '60 or '61, when I was not only unconscious with a high grade fever, but also the cells in my balls that would be damaged enough so that my sperm count would be weak and low enough to exclude impregnating anything more than the surface of my right palm's dryness.. At that time in May '67, I needed and appreciated the grace which came again on the heels of another of my morose commiserations. This time for conditions I literally invited-though in altruistic faith-upon myself. The girl I had invited had less interest in me than curiosity for what would be her experience at my Junior Prom. She showed that disinterest with adolescent indifference towards me. If being too embarrassed by the indifference prevented me from having my face lying in the palms of my hands on the table, one wouldn't have needed a mind reader after seeing my face.
When I volunteered to get the coats and wraps so to escape the table, I did so with relief. At the check-out stand was a gal who had lived at the premises on the street behind mine, some four-to-five years before. She had blossomed even more from the pre-pubescent beauty I remembered from back then. She recognized me also, and we began the most enjoyable discussion I'd had that entire evening. Time seemed suspended as we chatted about ourselves and reminisced over how unlikely it was for our paths to cross like this after all those years. That conversation was my compensation and the redeeming feature of an otherwise miserable evening. 'Grace of Mercy' had pity on me that night.
FALL 1969. I was returning from a visit from seeing a cutey Italian-American gal who lived about two miles off-campus. I'd been at her place from about 6pm to 830-9pm, when I left. I reached the dorm section of campus near the corner of York-Elm streets when two underclassmen called me out by saying, "M...., You 'dog', you!".
Totally mystified (and a bit anxious over what they might know about my Italian-American, off-campus gal), I engaged them why they called me a 'Dog'? They responded, You know, "M.."!" You'd just walked out of the party with the finest gal there! I told them it couldn't have been me since I'd just returned from being off campus for the past three hours. They replied saying to the effect that if it wasn't me, it was my TWIN! Short of there being that look-alike, I wondered if I could have unknowingly generated a holographic incarnation of myself, who showed up at that party???
A few weeks later, I was at the Yale Peabody's Science Hill with my roommate and a new fellow-weed smoking underclassman, fellow-traveler. It was the end of an evening of one long walk and journey from romantic disenchantment about my Italian-American gal having a near fiance over and then seeing the graffiti 'BLACK WOMEN'S BELLIES ARE MADE FOR BABIES NOT BULLETS' on the space ship looking high school up in The Hill neighborhood. All three of us were crashing from the night of drug dissolution on the strong weed we'd had. We were staring at the northern view from Science Hill that took in East Rock Park's statue which overlooked and dominated the view to the New Haven waterfront. Thoughtlessly, I said "God, Damn you, !". Surprisingly, it was the deja vu reprise of what I had said as a 3-to-4 year old in the refrigerator box so I could obtain a piece of candy. This time the statue seemed to be wiped from the face of the Earth. We all freaked at what appeared to be the hand-of-God giving a reply to my cursing of 'Him'. In fact, it was the coincidental midnight, automatic or manual turn off of the flood lights which illuminated the East Rock Park Statue. We still noted the symbolic timing of that events to my curse. It was the moment letting me know there was little that I could do, compared to greater transcendent dominions, by carrying on in the 'sound and fury' with the forces of my fated journey.
Move forward to the Spring then the Summer of the following year, 1970. I was roaming The Hill Neighborhood streets and was headed home, when I spotted ahead of me by 150 yards at the corner a cute little something getting ready to cross. I yelled out to her, "What's happening, little mama. She shot back, "Not You!". I was totally in a flabbergasted chagrin at her reply. Jump forward three months, I was coaxed by a friend to stay in New Haven and work at this day camp as a counselor. I’m in the day camp reception office as one of the senior counselors for what would be the 12-16 year old age group when guess who enters inside the room. Lo’ and behold, one of my junior counselors was that the young gal who had told me off. We recognized each other, but don’t bring up to each other what had occurred back in April. We develop a trusting rapport and cordial friendliness with each other to the point that she invites me to a gig that will be that coming Saturday. I give her a positive response to her invite. Come that Saturday my own ‘Spaceman’ activities along with some probable latent insecurities on my part for her being there and being truly receptive to my presence keeps me away. The following Monday 'Miz Thang' storms up to me to question where I was. I come up with some lame excuse which included, “If I had remembered, I would’ve been there.” To which she memorably replied, “ If it had been that important to you, You would have remembered! ". Those were telling words of both admonition and instruction for me going forward. My word is as sacred a vow as that given to that 'Presence' back on that January day in 1960. From that point on I would follow through on all my ethically obligated vows I made to others.
~The dream, for the record~
Early Spring 1972, I was deep into the weeds of my Senior Paper. In this instance I had been seeing this gal in East New York part of Brooklyn from the time of my freshman Spring semester in college. I had dropped in on her every so often as a change of pace from my campus socializing. It was nothing more serious than conversations punctuated by kissing and maybe some touching (though, if my memory is serving me correctly she was a Pentecostal and had restrictions on where she could go and what she could do). I liked her but not enough to have her on my mind to have visited her frequently, as she probably was the 'change of venue' from my campus interactions.
By the Spring of my senior year I was taking inventory on whom I'd be seeing after graduation and during my looming, Draft-obliged, military enlistment, when I remembered her. From her point of view, I can see how she wanted a more definitive declaration of intentions by me to her. That was her tone, when I called her to arrange for another visit to Brooklyn. In empathy for her attitude, I earnestly set a date for a Friday evening visit.
My concerns with my senior thesis forced me to think to spend Friday night and Saturday working on rectifying what I had found unsatisfactory with my thesis, than traveling to-and-from Brooklyn. When I called her up to give her the postponing of my trip, she exploded with a tirade of demeaning comments, uncharacteristic from our former visits or phone calls. I retaliated at what I perceived, then, as an over-the-top reaction by her, and did my own verbal insults before slamming down the phone on her.
Just moments after I had slammed the phone down, it rang again. With me thinking it was she wanting to get in her last two-cents, I picked up the phone and gruffly answered, "Yeah!?". To my and also the callers surprise it was my bud from the dorm across campus. His home-girl had come down that day and had lunch with him, plus we, his regular eating partners. I had been entertaining the table (and her) with my theatrics, and she was impressively intrigued enough to ask my bud to see if I'd be interested in seeing her that evening. In pleased shock, I agreed to see her and I went over to the dorm to bring her back to my room. We had a good and fun conversation, but when the time came to bring her back to the dorm a snow squall had descended, coming down pretty heavily. She had just worn a light jacket, which had been good for the milder weather earlier, but was not for this storm. I was lacking any suitable clothing to give her for the walk back, so I suggested to her that she could stay over and have my bed. Though she gave me an askance look, I assured her there would be no advances by m-as it did turn out. The next morning when I awoke, she invited me to finish 'getting-up' with her in my bed where she had slept. An 'opening' of opportunity on the heels of a 'closing' one.
Some months before or after that, this surreal event occurred during a lunch encounter with two of my underclass neophytes about supernatural powers. I was viewed as being an irreligious heathen, thus I was the target of the more conventional and conservative thinking of these latter post-1970 black matriculates to Yale. I was harangued to the extent that when I departed the table I swore an oath at the ‘verse reciter’ in mocking seriousness, that “He’d have no relief until he called out for mercy from ME, instead of his Christian Lord”.
A little later that afternoon, as I was in the vicinity of the same location where I had left my two underclass-mates, they spotted me, calling out my name.. I rolled my eyes and facetiously turned to run from them, but stopped my fleeing gesture as their voices called out in urgency to me. They told me that when they left the dining hall and were trying to cross Elm Street with or against the light, they were frustrated by the more than heavier than usual traffic on Elm Street for that time of day.. Only by beckoning my name for assistance did the traffic let up to allow them to make the crossing. The female underclassmen, who was familiar with my dialectical philosophy knew that some 'THING' was associated with me.
These next three episodes will show how 'Life' as an external, independent agency or the adjunct, extensional connection with our soul's self-cognizance provides us with what we need. In that way we don't have to seek hither and yon for meaning. It will be set as 'a meal placed before us' in which we may partake-IF WE ARE WISE! I didn't appreciate this fact until very recently. Before I had hoped for such episodes from my active will. It's not from my conscious will, but the seeming result of what could be a visceral signal starting a catalytic process in motion. I'd be unawares of that autonomous process, as the following account will describe.
My last weekend on campus I'd had finished packing up my room and had the extra time to take a 'sentimental journey' walk; through the haunting locations of The Hill neighborhood. That part was empty streets, which had my mind propagating the emptiness with memories of the past, which made me ache for the 'woulda-couldas' of those times. When I got back to the downtown to crossing the streets of the New Haven Green to the campus, my yearnings were answered in the most non-nostalgic of ways. I encountered 'V', who had been a too-young fuck-buddy back in '70. She was an inebriated passenger in a car; still in her 'all about me' drama of the moment. Sad. 17 years old with all those emotional distractions ruling her. Moving on from where 'V' drove away on Temple Street I headed towards College Street and the Campus premises.
At the next crossing of College and Chapel Street I encountered 'K', one of the other senior counselors and a civilian activist in her own right. She and I had once had a pillow talk of cordiality that was much too few and rare in its minimal frequency. She was that night on her way in a car, headed back to The Hill. She, too, was disturbed over something of the moment, but hers-unlike 'V's more demonstrable emoting, 'K' 's was more the seething growl. It was sad to see her and 'V' in such states, but I had done little myself in ways that may have altered the disabusing of my nostalgia in those scenes with 'V' and 'K'.
The next day was Memorial Day and a parade up Chapel Street. I heard about it and went to see it. While there, here comes 'Ms Thang' pushing a baby carriage as if it was her baby-I assumed. The one person to whom I should've said something, and I was too tongue-tied in my own fatalistic issues of our past and my future to take the time. She looked well. Better than the other two. Was thankful for that parting memory given by the whatever fates of mine had graced me.
I was haunted by the would a-coulda-shouldas potential scenarios by seing all three of those gals. Those woulda-coulda scenarios were more self-serving than the 'It is what it is' reality that had passed by me the night before and that Memorial Day. Fate, destiny's algorithm, had plans for me, for which I had no conceivable notion!
I asked myself, "What can I do?". "Self" responded, "Do what ya gotta do. No time to wait on others to understand or to be with you. Go ahead and begin what you must do-with or without them". This, otherwise referred to as a, psychotic eruption of me talking to my subconscious was the first and only "face-to-face" self-revealing of that mentoring force, my own subconscious processes? That was the challenging initiation exhortation I'm still engaging 50-years to this very August 2020 month. What seemed at first impossible, then later improbable and unfeasible, is now do-able as resolved acts of convictional purpose.
The early winter of 1971-72 I had a dream that was so symbolic for the time, yet so encompassing of my lifetime going forward to this point that I have considered it my personal prophecy.
The dream begins with me at a chalet. The crowd that was there with me I sensed that I had known them or will have known them in my future. There is the normal chatter that occurs at cocktail parties. In my boredom I move away from the crowd in the room to take in the view of the scenery surrounding the chalet and the overview which the chalet commanded.
As I looked out and down into the valley, I could see the pine and other deciduous trees giving a ‘green cathedral‛ sacredness of nature to my view of the valley towards the body of water below. On the water, I saw a military cargo ships docking and disembarking troops. The troops were not of our nation‛s military. The insignias I saw were foreign. I turned and re-entered the room, frantically relaying what I had seen.
I entered the woods running as far as I could get from the chalet. I could feel my chest heaving and gasping for breath and my leg muscles laboring in their out of shape status to take me away. The Adrenalin of fear gave me the stamina and strength to keep going. Shortly into my run I could hear the sounds of heavy vehicles and light, motorcycle-type vehicles coming closer and stopping. I heard shouting, shots being fired, screams, then silence. The chalet had been stormed and ‘subdued‛. In a bit of ironical, laughing regret and cynicism, I thought sarcastically to myself, ‘There goes ‘The BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST!‛.
I continued to run, hoping I could go further than the troops would be searching. My hopes were in vain. I heard the ignitions of the trucks and light vehicles starting up and some were headed my way. I ran with more urgency, feeling my heart pounding with fear. Soon, I heard voices and the barking of dogs. They had picked up my scent. if I could get to a place to get them off my track. No luck.
With this threat dispatched, I returned to my run, away from any possible capture. The trail wound and curved to the edge of a big lake. I was moving along the shoreline looking for a means to cross the lake. I heard a rustling of a person approaching along the path to my front. It was a biblical looking person with a look of gravitas on his face. He told me to wait for someone to take me across. I intuitively trusted his words and leaned against a tree and slid down to rest on the ground to take in the lake view.
~Post Script~
It wasn't for a new association of a support group of people that became my soul's redemption, but a newly found and appreciated aggregation of insights and derived thoughts which gave me a new purpose and passion for my existence from that dream.
Soon there after, I had the dream of me walking home from work, and I was on my street, Cambridge, and was hearing the evening news of a tsunami that had originated off the coast of Japan and was heading to crash into the California coast, making Nevada and western Arizona our west coast, as well as knocking out the electrical grid for the entire country with the subsequent aftershocks.
By the time I reached the house the news was over, so I went downtown to the corner of Jefferson and Salina Streets to get a paper from the news stand there. I picked up a NY Daily News and they had made their front page a large font editorial that replaced the normal photo image there. The editorial lamented that none of the promotional TV ministers of re-known could do anything to stop the catastrophe, just when SOMEONE was needed to intercede with 'God'.
While I was enjoying the philosophy and methodology of law study, the psychic liberty I had
The articulation of the ‘Cosmic’ architecture provided the path that trumped my intention to seek ‘the law’ as my vocational and identifying expression for my life. I had greater resonance for the conceptions of Cosmic laws than American or common law. Resonance in its more visceral form was the penultimate experience for my standard. I didn’t realize that the resonance was more an incidental cognitive marker, than an invitation for social engagement. Learning that would be the next life lesson for these next thirty-five years of my life.
Those benefits were a redemptive, vindicating phenomena that would manifest for me in times of emotional distress. ’The first time was at 'EB', shortly after the unit psychologist, working as an agent for my antagonists, used the extortion of an administrative, general discharge against me unless I had a change of attitude. My distress was so intense that a subsequent and concurrent ill fortune to members of that antagonistic group was seen as having been conjured in its origination by me [perhaps by 'Me', my inner subconscious?]. At the time, I attributed it to 'The Mentors', since I had no knowledge of the circumstances of my antagonists' ill-fortunes. This would occur again in the PI (Philippine Republic) when Mt Pinatubo became active, erupting ; thus ending the U.S. lease for Clark Air Base as an 'act of God' fait accompli, as well as releasing the personnel on the base from the obliged semi-confinement of base-wide ordered restriction, for the safety of the (white) service members who were targets of the anti-US guerilla movement in the PI.
I left the active duty military and came back to civilian life, residing in Hopewell Virginia. I had known for some time that even my civic service in the military was tangent to whatever I really should be doing. I found work at a hospital, and my supervisor was a sheik in an American Muslim sect. I confided with him about my personal history. He insight-fully said, "You won't find peace until you are doing what you're meant to be doing. With that he gave me a paperback titled "Futuh al-Ghaib (Treasures of the Unseen). In the 27th Discourse it stated:
When I returned to Syracuse in April '95, I had access to my homeboys' residence for doing my laundry. One afternoon when I was doing the laundry, I was listening to NPR's 'Talk of the Nation'. The topic was the non-necessity of mysticism and spirituality in an objectivist world.
The following February I had the whimsical notion to go to Corpus Christi Texas for no other reason than its name translates to 'the body of Christ'. In the spirit of following the swo-called, external spirit that was influencing the thoughts of my stream of consciousness, I headed to that destination for the greater resonating vitality of doing so. While there I tried to rekindle relations with 'Mizz Thange' from New Haven that went back to that day of the walk in the early Spring of 1970. I had given no thought that she 'had a life' and she was probably living with someone. With not a thought for but 'the fool believing-me', I wrote the letter that received a merciless put-down. OF COURSE, crestfallen to shame, I manned-up; took the slap-down stoically to bed and to sleep.
During the sleep I dreamed I was in a wooded glen sitting on a log when up pops an angel with the face of a gal from my high school. The angel-face asks me "How ya doin'?". I shrug my shoulders, nodded and said, staring at her, "I'm OK". The angel give me an incredulous look and says, "You men! Always trying to act so brave". She kisses me on the cheek and the dream ends. I marveled at the morale-boosting of that dream and how the mind comes to the aid of the conscious.
WELL.... Later that day I THOUGHT I was supposed to be at a wake. I show up there, but don't see anyone recognizable at this gathering of Mexican Hispanics at a seeming memorial for some tragic death. After searching the INSIDES of the brochure I had picked up and finding no familiar names, I closed the brochure and saw the front of it for the first time, the image was showing the same juxtaposition that I had with the angel-face in the dream the night before. THAT confirmed everything. I was no longer kicking and screaming as I had been doing for the past 24 years . But was it the doings of the psyche of my stream of consciousness or was it the work of an external metaphysics? That question would arise again three months later in the downtown neighborhood on the near-eastside Richmond.
I returned to Richmond Virginia soon after that event, and was working as a route delivery driver. On one stop I fucked-up after not reporting damage that my truck had done to the customer. I was justifiably fired and I returned home in a woeful condition of despair. After walking past my drug-selling and drug-using neighbors on the street and on the stairway to my apartment, I entered my place and noticed the message light on my answering machine was blinking. I hit the play-button and heard the voice of the supervisor at the nearby hospital who was seeking to contact me for a pre-employment interview! The sense of an ultimate calamity had changed to a relieved elation in the most timely synchronistic way. Again, was it the work of some mentoring metaphysics or had my own internal mechanisms conjured those circumstances? The intense emotional distress, even greater than the reaction to the shoot-down reply I received in Corpus Christi, was the condition common to that previous circumstance.
The following spring I was living close enough to the Petersburg National Memorial Battlefield to go there on my off days to take walks. On this particular walk, a yearling was moving in the same direction as I was, off to my right about 50 yard in the woods. It moved with such a conscious deliberation that I had the inspirational notion that the deer-yearling had a similar discernment to mine. Was that deliberation part of a genetic manipulation by extraterrestrials seeking a reservoir for some DNA with a reflective consciousness? The yearling's movement indicated such a heretofore, discounted by me, capacity. Were humans products of a similar gene manipulation of the ape zoology? Were the seven wonders of antiquity markers left by the extraterrestrials to remind later generations of humans of our cosmic origins and progenitors? This swayed my thinking towards there being incarnate mentors who visit and give anonymous moral mentoring to those humans showing a conscious receptivity to such paradigms of the extraterrestrials.
The next stream of conscious affecting serendipity came a year later when I was living back in south Richmond, near to E. Belt Blvd & Hull St (zip code, 23224). Back then I paid my bills by phone with my bank's telephone bill paying service. It was a ritual, I performed dutifully. This one time the payment hadn't arrived at the rental office, as it should have . The kindly old gals who ran the office, spotted me to let me know about this discrepancy in my payment owed. I insisted that the payment had been made to the gals, as I was leaving the complex on my way to an appointment. On my return to the apartment premises, the old gals waved me down to let me know that not only had my payment been validated, but their money drop to the managing agency had suffered a similar delivery detour, as mine seemed to have. This was learned by them prior to gaining my missing payment, so that they gained empathy and sympathy for my circumstance. Was that another reductionist explanation for a routine mishap, or were the forces acting on my behalf in affirmation to my efforts of being in coherence to them?
A brief hint of soul resonation came with my LittletonCO-Mama from the old Yahoo personals. Reflecting on how her kids being at Columbine that tragic, shooting day changed the course our relationship about how she liked getting fucked to the proverbial heights of the Rockies, or at those foothills, or seeking some miles away from there-which she did, I thought I found what would be a long-term 'soul mate!! There was no coyness or pretense in her rabid lusts for being satiated, and that enabled a free-flowing of equally synergistic and symbiotic intense and near-synchronistic thoughts and intentions between us-an affirmation for my previous speculations-until the Columbine tragedy changed things. The social idealism of finding and achieving a formal organization or an informal virtual group of congregants on the same wavelength as in this narration gained greater hope, despite the regrettable outcome with Ms LittletonCO and I choosing different priorities of focus!
I came to find out about some real estate, but the news that day and for the trip was, "Oh! My half-brother's widow lives in Omaha. You should go see her and give her my regards". That opened the door for having a friendly and reliable place to have, at that time, a yet to be known major abdominal surgery and a two month recuperation-plus wife #3. Obtaining a wife had more to do with temporal circumstantial ethics for me and a cosmic ethical debt for the preceding